When it comes to massages, many people are familiar with the traditional Swedish massage. However, the Japanese originated form, called Nuru massage, is often left out of the conversation. Interestingly, Nuru massage has a long history and it has been used as a treatment for centuries in Japan. In fact, it is thought that the Nuru massage originated in China and was brought over to Japan sometime in the 8th century.

The word "nuru" means slippery. The purpose of the massage is to relax the body and help achieve a state of blissful muscular and nervous relaxation. As the massage deepens, some practitioners will introduce additional sexual stimulation, using their hands, tongues, and other body parts.

Unfortunately, erotic parlours have started using it as a way to make more money. What used to be a gentle massage with a focus on relaxation and pleasure, has now become something overtly sexual. But, on the flip side, parlours have made it a common practice and Nuru Play is here to redefine it! 

As experts in Nuru massage, our play gels can be used for relaxation massages and/or body sliding in a spa setting or used among couples at home. 
Benefits of a Nuru relaxation massage:
Nuru massage has a variety of benefits, some include:
  1. Increased relaxation.
  2. Increased energy.
  3. Increased circulation.
Benefits of a Nuru body slide massage: 
  1. Increased confidence.
  2. Increased sexual pleasure.
  3. Increased intimacy.
Try Nuru Play today! Buy your bottles here.